Himalayan Tahr

Himalayan Tahr
  Himalayan Tahr

  Near Threatened
Added by
  SkyeNicole - falcon
Date Updated
  Sun Jan 4 12:38:19 2015
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Sorter Stats: Hits 77   At Bats 199   Average 0.387 Habitats: mountains temperate_forest

Himalayan Tahr Images for kids


Himalayan Tahr Activities for kids

Himalayan Tahr Facts & Trivia for kids

  • The horns of the male Himalayan Tahr can grow to a little over a foot long.
  • Female Himalayan Tahr have horns, but their horns are shorter than the males of the species.
  • Himalayan Tahr live at higher altitudes in the spring and summer, but migrate to lower altitudes in the fall.
  • Himalayan Tahr have a mane on their neck and shoulders.
  • Himalayan Tahr have a reddish-brown coat and a very short tail.

Himalayan Tahr Links for kids

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